On the 9th September we had the first cert-manager Community Day. It was very successful with lots of great talks and questions from the community. We would like to thank everyone that contributed to the day, whether that was giving a talk, asking a question, organizing behind the scenes or just attending.
We have now made the talks available as individual videos on YouTube for you to revisit or share with others:
- Introducing cert-manager 1.0 - Maartje Eyskens
- An introduction to the new features and changes in cert-manager 1.0.
- Integrating cert-manager with service mesh (Openservicemesh and Istio) - Josh van Leeuwen
- cert-manager is a perfect fit for securing service mesh PKI in Kubernetes, enabling seamless access to multiple CA’s. In this talk Josh demos our integration with Open Service Mesh, and a not before seen integration with Istio!
- Managing operators: Using cert-manager for your webhooks - Danielle Lancashire, VMware
- Lots of people use cert-manager to manage their user-facing certificates, but in this talk Danielle demonstrates using cert-manager for your Kubernetes infrastructure itself in webhook handlers that can be used for admission controllers and operators.
- Advanced cloud patterns with inlets and cert-manager - Alex Ellis, OpenFaas
- Traditionally, creating networks meant creating a VPN with software that was designed for the needs of infrastructure 20-30 years ago. With existing tools showing their age, this talk introduces a set of advanced patterns for cloud-native needs. Learn how cert-manager coupled with inlets provides a secure alternative that’s also easy to use.
- Let’s Encrypt: introduction and Q&A, Josh Aas, ISRG/Let’s Encrypt
- Let’s Encrypt started in 2015 and has issued over one billion certificates! Josh talks about their story and their future and answers questions from the audience.
- Kubernetes Node certificate provisioning with kubeadm / CAPI - Richard Wall
- You have probably already seen cert-manager issue certificates for your services inside Kubernetes, but what about your nodes? Richard demos using cert-manager technology with kubeadm!
- cert-manager “AMA” and Q&A - James Munnelly, Maartje Eyskens, Josh van Leeuwen, Richard Wall
- The cert-manager maintainers answer a range of questions from the audience.
- Vault integration - Josh van Leeuwen
- cert-manager has first-class support for issuing TLS certificates from Vault to your workloads running in Kubernetes. In this talk Josh demonstrates how cluster administrators can configure cert-manager to provide a PKI to Kubernetes workloads using Vault.
- Running cert-manager at (Web) Scale - Anurag Goel, Render
- Render manages tens of thousands of Let’s Encrypt certificates with cert-manager, providing instant and free TLS to all its customers. Join Render’s founder to learn how to use cert-manager programmatically at scale, and how the project empowers developers to build entirely new kinds of software.
You can also find them all in a playlist.
Getting Involved
If these talks have inspired you to get involved, sign up for the mailing list which we use to send out calendar invites. Once you have joined, you’ll receive invites to our bi-weekly development meeting (held every other Wednesday at 5pm UK time). The #cert-manager channel on the Kubernetes Slack is also a great place to start and get chatting about ideas or questions you have. Please drop by and say hello!