Venafi is thrilled to announce the launch of University Devs!
The groundbreaking Machine Identity Management Development Fund has now expanded to include the world’s leading universities including Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Oxford University. This new Development Fund initiative provides sponsorships for academic research and development into the critical controls and capabilities advancing state-of-the-art machine identity management. The Development Fund that began in 2018 with $12.5M already provides organizations’ developers with direct sponsorship from Venafi to accelerate machine identity management research and innovation that futureproof customer and industry success.
“Uni Devs” provides direct sponsorship to university research teams and students investing in cutting edge machine identity innovation. Research and development programs can focus on attack tactics and techniques and possible mitigations, as well as applied uses of machine identities, with a particular focus on identities for new types of machines, including those designed for cloud native environments.

Machine Identity Security Architecture
To kick off this new Development Fund initiative, Venafi has partnered with Oxford University and CMU. Venafi is sponsoring a full PhD program at Oxford University to investigate machine identity management innovations and create new open-source solutions. At CMU, Venafi sponsored Master's degree candidates in the Information Networking Institute’s Practicum as part of the College of Engineering. Students explored policy-as-a-code, governance, authentication, and authorization in machine identity management open-source projects. Venafi hopes that its sponsorships in this area will improve the industry’s ability to stop misuse and compromise of machine identities by cyber attackers and help organizations modernize their machine identity management programs to improve speed and agility, especially in the cloud.
Here's what the university program leads said about their work with Venafi on machine identity management initiatives:
Professor Kasper Rasmussen, Oxford University
“Machine identities are quickly growing in importance in the digital world, as they underpin all machine-to-machine communications and online transactions. This is an important area to explore and research, as machine identities are likely to be even more critical to the digital economy than human identities in the near future. Industry and university collaboration is now essential to helping researchers drive forward innovation and solve complex problems facing those in the field. The goal of this program with Venafi is to explore novel ways to establish how machine identities will operate safely and make a better and more secure world for humans.”
Dr. Mohamed Farag, INI Assistant Teaching Professor, CMU
“Venafi's initiative to partner with CMU has been successful in increasing the awareness around machine identities. Over the Fall-2021 semester, the CMU's Practicum team designed the foundations of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) that supports different types of machine identities. In doing so, the students explored the state-of-the-art methodologies and techniques. At the end of the semester, the students documented their results and presented them to a large group of stakeholders. As the faculty advisor of the practicum team, I appreciate the guidance and support that the students received from Venafi's domain experts. Venafi's expertise in the domain of machine identities has been critical to the students' success in achieving the practicum's pre-defined goals.”
Adding value to critical infrastructure for machine identities
The Machine Identity Management Development Fund is bringing together the world’s greatest minds to shape the future of machine identity management, one of the most important cybersecurity challenges of this decade. The Development Fund is sponsoring innovative new ways to apply intelligence and automation to challenges in governance, authentication, and authorization of machine identities. Companies won’t be able to apply enough security analysts and developers to keep up with the explosion in machine identities. University research is a critical part of the solution to futureproofing Venafi customer success.
Four years later, the Machine Identity Management Development Fund continues its mission encouraging recipients to build integrations that deliver greater visibility, intelligence and automation across any technology that creates or consumes machine identities, including:
- Cloud and hybrid cloud infrastructure
- DevOps
- Containerization
- Secure Shell (SSH)
- Code signing
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics
- IoT
- Blockchain-distributed ledger technology
To find out more about the Machine Identity Management Development Fund, and how you can become a funded developer, please visit:
Why Do You Need a Control Plane for Machine Identities?
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