According to, digital transformation is a foundational change in how an organization delivers value to its customers. It’s an aggregation of modern tools and processes leveraged to solve business problems and satisfy customers (or citizens).
But what is driving the adoption of digital transformation, especially in Europe and the UK?
In a recent article by Business Matters UK, it was reported that 56 per cent of companies are speeding up (digital transformation) and that 32 per cent are planning digital transformation in the next 12 months.
Furthermore according to Euronews, digital transformation is a key component in the EU’s pandemic recovery plan. A €672.5 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility has been established, with a requirement to allocate 20% of the budgets to support initiatives to digitize member states’ economies.

CIO Study: Outages Escalating with Massive Growth in Machine Identities
What we’re hearing from our customers
Since joining Venafi three years ago, I can definitely say that digital transformation and machine identity is heating up and bubbling to the surface for many companies. Compared to when we first started having conversations with organizations about managing machine identities, recently we’ve seen a marked increase in real-world use cases and issues that need solving.
One shift I’ve observed over the last three years is the responsibility of machine identities being assumed by the Identity Access Management (IAM) owners within the organization. Perhaps one of the reasons for this, is the expanding influence that Opensource software and DevOps has on managing machine identities and the need to be able to respond and act quickly to the demands of the business.
But there is a clear pattern in many of my conversations concerning the complexity of Digital Transformation. The top questions I’m being asked by companies are:
- How can we get a holistic view on all our machine identities in a single pane of glass?
- We have a mixed environment of cloud and on-premises, how do we verify machines in our cloud estate?
- How can you help us validate the code that our DevOps teams are writing?
- Can you help us centralize and secure our code signing processes?
At Venafi we’re helping more and more organizations on their journey through digital transformation. We’re addressing the security concerns raised with the modern tools and processes that digital transformation brings, especially in DevOps, cloud and open source deployments. All of that tells me that digital transformation is truly changing the world and successfully managing machine identities has now become a critical need for any organization that is evolving quickly.
The last three years have flown by for me at Venafi. One of the best parts of my job is being able to help solve some of the most complex challenges that digital transformation brings. Here is to the next three years!
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