For every certificate-related outage hitting news headlines, there are thousands more no one hears about—outages that topple digital storefronts, bring productivity to a halt and even put lives at risk.
After experiencing outages, the organizations highlighted in this eBook suffered from untold disruption, distraction and downtime. But with holistic, automated certificate lifecycle management, you can keep your company from having any similar experiences.
You’ll read about certificate-related outages causing problems like:
- Mobile banking apps getting knocked offline over a long holiday weekend
- A single expired CA root certificate causing company-wide ripple effects
- A brick-and-mortar store losing numerous sales to its online-only rival
- The server hosting an organ donation list being taken down by an expired certificate
Facing similar complications? You’ll also learn how to break out of ongoing outages by transforming your cumbersome, disjointed certificate renewal workflow into a one-click, self-service process.